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Who am I?
Well, my name is Ethan Wright, I'm a senior in college studying graphic design, and I live in the southeast of the U.S. But this doesn't really tell you much about who I actually am.
Defining a person is difficult but I can be roughly summed up by three main aspects.
I have changed a lot over my life but these three elements have stayed with me throughout.
let's take a closer look at each of these ideas.
Curiosity is my fascination and longing for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Throughout my life, I have had a profound fascination with the world around me. To this day I still maintain a child-like inquisitiveness. I am constantly asking questions about everything. There is Something that brings me such joy when discovering unexplored mysteries and making new connections. I have an overwhelming desire to understand the world I live in.
Creating is about generating newness through the application of collected wisdom. It can look like teaching, building, breaking, solving, and developing. I am drawn more to the practice rather than the end product. Whenever I learn something I need to make use of it in some way. I either have to tell someone about it or build something from it. Yet, creating itself is really a form of learning and points back to my curiosity. My knowledge cannot be static. Knowing something is not enough, I must apply it.
Caring is about being a blessing to those around me. My creations are only meaningful when they are helpful to others. Life is not about what I can take but about what I can add. Anything that I create that does not do good is meaningless. Learning and making are only sacred if they result in goodness. I feel I have an immense debt I ought to pay back. All the love that has been poured out on me has led me to feel a duty to love others.
All of these ideas have come together to make me who I am.
So that's a bit about myself and what I care for.
Enough about me, I want to hear about you! Send me an email, I'd love to chat.